A Review on Orange Chronic Glass Cleaner

A Review on Orange Chronic Glass Cleaner

A Review on Orange Chronic Glass Cleaner

Orange chronic glass cleaner is great for your hard to clean glass or glass that may seem stained. Many people prefer orange chronic to other glass cleaners because it does not have a strong chemical smell and instead smells citrusy. Some people can be skeptical about purchasing a product over simply using isopropanol and coarse salt, but I find that orange chronic is capable of cleaning what the alcohol/ salt missed. While I do not think it is necessary to use this product every time you clean your glass, it is definitely helpful every now and then and I am always sure to have some on hand at home. Orange chronic has other great reviews, so many people agree with my findings. In fact, orange chronic has a 5-star review on Amazon. I have and will continue to recommend orange chronic glass cleaners to my friends.

Mackenzie G
