Review of The Rembrandt Glasswork Mug Waterpipe

Review of The Rembrandt Glasswork Mug Waterpipe

Review of The Rembrandt Glasswork Mug Waterpipe

Rembrandt Glassworks Rig
The Rembrandt Glasswork mug design rig is a concentrate waterpipe. The piece is made from a borosilicate glass. The Rembrandt Glasswork Mug design stands at a height of 4 inches (5 inches w/ dome on) with a handle to make for a more comfortable hold.. The piece comes with a 2 inch 14mm nail and a female 14 mm dome. The mug design offers a nice inline percolator which makes for a smoother hit. 
Tools needed:
Nail and Dome
Concentrate tool
How to use:
First fill The Rembrandt Glasswork Mug piece with water (enough to cover the inline perk). Then grab the concentrate tool and put the concentrate on the end of the tool. Second remove the dome from the male joint.  Then take the torch and heat the nail for 10-15 seconds. Then carefully put the dome back on. Once the dome is on pick up the concentrate tool again and dip it (as you dip breathe in slowly from the mouth piece) in a slow circilar motion on the heated nail. Exhale and repeat.